Vietnamese traditional food
Món truyền thống Việt
Price : VND
Nem rau rán / 79,000
6 nems aux légumes frit
6 fried vegetarian spring rolls
Nem Sapa / 89,000
6 nems de poulet et légumes frit
6 fried spring rolls of chicken and vegetables
Súp gà nấm / 95,000
Soupe de poulet avec champignons de Sapa
Chicken soup with fresh musrhoom of Sapa
Mỳ gà / 69,000
Soupe de nouilles de blé avec pointrine de poulet
Wheat noodles soup with chicken breast
Gà xào nấm tươi Sapa ăn kèm cơm trắng / 189,000
Pointrine de poulet sauté aux champignon frais de Sapa
Sauteed chicken breast with fresh mushroom of Sapa. Served with rice
Gà xào sả ớt ăn kèm cơm trắng / 189,000
Pointrine de poulet sauté avec poivre vert et citronnelle
Sauteed chicken breast with green pepper and lemongrass. Served with rice
Gà nướng lá chanh trên gang nóng / 189,000
Pointrine de poulet grilled sur plaque chaud avec des feuilles de citron. Servis avec du riz
Grilled chicken breast on hot plate with lemon leaves. Served with steamed rice
Mỳ xào gà / 129,000
Nouilles de blé frits avec pointrine de poulet et legumes
Fried wheat noodles with chicken breast and vegetables
Cơm rang rau / 89,000
Riz frit aux légumes
Fried rice with vegetables
Cơm rang gà / 119,000
Fried rice with chicken breast and vegetables légumes
Cơm lam / 55,000
Riz dans bambou
Sticky rice in bamboo pipe
Cơm trắng 35,000
Riz blanc
Steamed rice